Office Car Special Power!

Here is something different. I have set up to do a survey and would love to get your opinion. The Norfolk Southern’s Office Car Special has it’s own special power of F units. Running the complete train the units are run in A-B-B-A configuration. I have chosen the InterMountain Railway’s F7 for this as they produce a very nice F unit, and I am certain they will be beautiful, as well.

If you have interest in the latest offering, the ‘OCS Series’, I am sure you will want engines for your train. Please take a look. They will be produced in sets of A-B and there will be two sets offered. To make it more exciting, InterMountain is now going to offer these in the choice of analog (DC), or Digital (DCC), or Digital with sound… If you were to buy these, which would you choose?

I will save your response and send it back to you when reservations open up for these, although I am not sure if it will be in 2015, or the following year, because it depends on the interest level. Thanks for taking time to give feedback.

Pre-Order Survey

Lowell Smith

A native of Portland, Oregon, Lowell Smith married his church choir sweetheart Barb in 1978. After a lifetime of rail-fanning, Lowell and Barb ventured out in 1992 to launch a new business in Portland, Oregon. Read more

Latest On The Track

What They Say:

Charlie S.

Thank you for producing such well researched quality offerings.


“You have no idea how excited I am about these cars . . .”


You know I’m always looking forward to the next release and its arrival with great anticipation. I treasure my Lowell Smith Signature collection.

Paul G.

I just received my Carolwood Pacific cars yesterday. They are exquisite! Every attention to detail was paid here, and I can’t thank you enough for putting this into production.  They are going to look amazing, circling my main Street miniatures display.

Dan D.

I look forward to continuing to buy trains from my favorite special run train maker. That’s how I think of you now, “The Train Maker”.  And speaking of cool trains, I just received a box loaded with great looking Texas Special cars. Thanks.  I certainly look forward to all the new releases you are planning.


Thanks for all the great trains – it’s nice to have such wonderful rolling stock on the layout.


Thank you ever so much for being such an integral part of the model railroading hobby!


Lowell, thanks to you and your company SP&S modelers (myself included) are having a much easier time modeling the North Bank Road. Thank you for your hard work!


I just received the “The Great Locomotive Chase” set from the Walt Disney Family Museum. Very nicely done!

S. Reames

I received my observation/business car today and – like all of my other cars from you – I love it!