Pullman Park Series #7 Milwaukee Road ‘Olympic’

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Confirmed shipping June 5, 2020





Produced by Micro-Trains, this heavyweight sleeper is decorated in the  Hiawatha  paint scheme that was one of several paint schemes this railroad used. And as you can see, it was very distinctive.  There are two road names available. (See also the ‘Yellowstone’ car.)

This car would be a nice addition to any of the Milwaukee Road trains as well as rolling as a tourist sleeper leased out by the Pullman Company.

These cars will color match the recent release from Kato of the Olympian Hiawatha, with the exception of the gray roof.

Many of the heavyweight Pullman sleepers started being scrapped in 1963. Yet some survived to the end of that decade being used in reserve for heavy traffic calls. It was the last decade of classic American passenger service.



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Received GN A10 today. Absolutely stunning! I am very pleased. Thank You all.