What size is the train under your tree?

One of the fun things about the holiday season is the chance to have friends and family visit. In our family we enjoy a nice meal and fellowship followed by games being played. Decorating the house has always been a fun thing to do but decorating the Christmas Tree has been one of my favorite traditions. Many years ago, when I was growing up, my dad had a Lionel trainset that would run around the tree. I loved to watch it go around and around. At my grandparents house it was an HO set. In more recent years, my dad has had a G scale train that had lights, sounds, animation… all the “bells and whistles”, and now, a Lionel version of the Polar Express! That is certainly understandable as it is now one of his all time favorite Christmas movies.

Now that I have started a family of my own, it is time for me to setup the tree in my own home and provide the train to go under it. This year, my daughter will be almost two during the holiday and I’m deciding on which train I should go with. I know I can’t go wrong with a classic Lionel set. Larger sizes lend themselves to being more easily manipulated by small hands and can have fewer parts to break (depending on which set you go with). 

What size train do you go have under your Christmas tree? 

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Jeremy Smith

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What They Say:


I am speechless!  The AFT Showcase car is everything I hoped it would be; and more.


Lowell, thanks to you and your company SP&S modelers (myself included) are having a much easier time modeling the North Bank Road. Thank you for your hard work!


“You seem to be the shining light in an industry that’s seen a lot of change since the early 2000’s when I was last in the hobby”.

Bill S.

That car is about the greatest thing I’ve ever seen in N scale!  Excellent work!


My kids absolutely love the Christmas cars! The C.K. Holiday, along with the Carolwood and Disney cars makes a wonderful Christmas train. It made many a loop under our tree this year.

Dan D.

I look forward to continuing to buy trains from my favorite special run train maker. That’s how I think of you now, “The Train Maker”.  And speaking of cool trains, I just received a box loaded with great looking Texas Special cars. Thanks.  I certainly look forward to all the new releases you are planning.

Linda and Pete B.

Just wanted to thank you again for the opportunity to be with you and the many other happy folks who experienced the Feather River Canyon trip.  I know you put a lot of work into making this special trip a reality and it all came together extremely well!

R. M.

Lowell, I just want you to know – you make this hobby fun!


These are indeed miniature masterpieces.

K. Lyons

Thank you for everything you’ve done and everything you do for the modeling community. I can honestly say that my enjoyment of the hobby has benefited greatly because of you.