RPO Newsbag

This is the Lowell Smith Signature Series and RailSmith blog, (or perhaps it's better called, ‘stories around the caboose stove’). Either way, bookmark this page for updates as they happen and check back regularly!

Arrivals Update: December 2018

RailSmith It is very exciting to know that the first RailSmith shipment is ‘on the water’ as they say. I am delighted that the factory had the first run completed ‘on time’ in early November. The fact that it took me much longer than planned, or understood, to set up the paperwork to become an…

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American Fruit Packers Columbia Belle Arrives Today!

Most folks I talk with love the fall season. It comes and goes so fast though, there is little time to enjoy the most colorful time of the year.   Two weeks ago Barb and I did something we have never done before, we joined some friends at an apple press party.  The result was…

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Latest On The Track

What They Say:

Ray F.

I just wanted you to know my O gauge Hood River Pears car came yesterday in perfect condition. This car is just beautiful I can’t wait for the next one to come out. Keep up the good work.

Rad J.

Lowell, I am very pleased with the N Scale Ferdinand Magellan Presidential car. As a retired US Secret Service agent I have conducted security advances for the president and his family traveling by train. I have done a lot of research on the Ferdinand Magellan and the model has excellent detail. It will be an…

K. Lyons

I want to be like you when I grow up!


AFT is a real dream come true for me. Thanks for all your hard work!


Ferdinand Magellan is great! This really fits your mission of offering significant cars that otherwise wouldn’t be produced.

J. LaBoda

To say the least this is a HUGE development for N-scale and I, along with a number of others, are indebted to you for making these cars possible. Thanks so very much!!!

S. Reames

I received my observation/business car today and – like all of my other cars from you – I love it!

R. LeBrun

Thank you for all that you do for the N Scale community. Your products by far, in my opinion, are the top of the line when it comes to N Scale Trains and I am always on the lookout for them when they come up for auction.

J. Arenas

Wow… You made my dream come true with the CK Holiday! I am a great admirer of your work.

R. K.

You are in my book one of the very best.