Roanoke N Convention Part 2
July 11, 2014 / / Comments Off on Roanoke N Convention Part 2
Another great time at the National N Scale Convention!
If you’ve never been to one, you really need to go. Besides a great Swap Meet with major N Scale manufacturers, there are clinics, auctions, rail tours, layout home tours, and even model contests. The winner in the model contest this year, for the category ‘best in show’, was a T-Track module with a circus on it. It was inspirational to say the least! The circus wagons were parading down main street on the way to The Big Top at the other end. And, in between, was a midway full of tents and circus acts. It is estimated that there are two thousand people in that one portion alone! We laughed and joked that Howard had left out any portable honey buckets for the massive crowd.
Posted in RPO Newsbag