SP&S M.O.W. work cars

Out of stock


Sold Out!    Arrived and shipping December ’14!



These 70′ baggage cars from Wheels of Time are faithfully decorated in Maintenance of Way oxide red. This production is EXTREMELY limited.


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Latest On The Track

R. K.

You are in my book one of the very best.

S. S.

I got my new Santa Fe business cars, they are superb and worth the wait ten times over.

R. LeBrun

Thank you for all that you do for the N Scale community. Your products by far, in my opinion, are the top of the line when it comes to N Scale Trains and I am always on the lookout for them when they come up for auction.


Ferdinand Magellan is great! This really fits your mission of offering significant cars that otherwise wouldn’t be produced.


My kids absolutely love the Christmas cars! The C.K. Holiday, along with the Carolwood and Disney cars makes a wonderful Christmas train. It made many a loop under our tree this year.


I am speechless!  The AFT Showcase car is everything I hoped it would be; and more.

K. Lyons

Thank you for everything you’ve done and everything you do for the modeling community. I can honestly say that my enjoyment of the hobby has benefited greatly because of you.

George H.

Blunt End Observation is a GRAND SLAM! I’ve wanted this car for ages but never figured out a good way to kitbash it.


Lowell, thanks to you and your company SP&S modelers (myself included) are having a much easier time modeling the North Bank Road. Thank you for your hard work!

R. M.

Lowell, I just want you to know – you make this hobby fun!