Out of stock


This is Deposit Only

Expect this run in late 2025, with updates posted here.




Reservations for these are now closed. Once they are arriving we will send you the notice for ‘Final Payment Due’.  Watch our eNewsletter for when that might be. Thank you!

Announcing an ATLAS run of SP&S FA’s & FB’s decorated SP&S in the Broad Stripe scheme.

This selection comes with ESU (DCC & sound) and is a deposit only, for SP&S FA #205.  You will receive a final billing when delivery is close. This deposit will be applied to the total cost, which we anticipate for this DCC Sound equiped engine to be close to $245.

The SP&S had more of these type engines than any other, with a total of 30.

This is not a special run so our order window is small. Please let us know you want it now by placing your deposit.

We are so very excited to finally get these work-horses of the line.

Additional information


Silver – $139 DC version, Gold – $239 DCC with sound


Out of stock

SKU: FB 205 DCC Categories: , ,

Latest On The Track


“You seem to be the shining light in an industry that’s seen a lot of change since the early 2000’s when I was last in the hobby”.


I am looking forward to many more releases in the new year. I stayed up really late on Christmas to talk to Santa when he came by our house. I asked him for an n-scale SP&S 700, and he said that was out of his league and I’d better call you.

Chuck T.

Just a quick note to acknowledge receipt of my AFT Tool Car. Thanks so much for another Outstanding Piece of Craftsmanship! The AFT is my most prized “N” Scale collection. I had perceived that there were delays in getting this last car into our hands, but thought it was a problem with China. Your letter…

J. Echlin

Many thanks for your superb offerings and beautiful work!

Rick S.

Every new release from your Signature Series gets me revved up for the rails.

K. Lyons

I want to be like you when I grow up!


Lowell, I received my Great Locomotive Chase set today. “THEY ARE BEAUTIFUL.” Keep up the good work.

Bill S.

That car is about the greatest thing I’ve ever seen in N scale!  Excellent work!


The thing I love about all the things you do is the fact that everything is so well thought out, so beautiful and so unique.  


You know I’m always looking forward to the next release and its arrival with great anticipation. I treasure my Lowell Smith Signature collection.