SP&S Business 99
Shipping Now- June 2020
Photographers Special …ONE ONLY!
Announcing an extremely limited run of custom decorated car 99.
Micro-Trains has been commissioned to produce this heavy-weight passenger car on their 144 Series car. Production on this release is limited to one road number. The SP&S #99 was painted into the ‘Broad Stripe’ scheme in 1965.
This deluxe model comes complete with rear facing protection plate (photo etch) and ditch lights, and drum head (not operational). See image here.
The car was sold for scrap after merger in 1970, but then transferred to a private party in Moses Lake WA where it sat intact until 2017! It was saved and currently has a new home as part of the Chehalis-Centrailia Railroad & Museum in Chehalis WA.
This car will deliver in June 2020.