
Released February 2001

Release as a three pack and a single car, a total of four cars.

These cars are part of the American Fruit Packer Series, as a bit of an experiment back in the year 2000 when this series was only five years old.

To date, only three people have opened the three pack, or run those three cars. how do we know you ask?

Hidden in the three pack, is a paper. Think Fortune Cookie style paper, asking the reader to contact me. Yep, that really happened.

Now twenty two years later, we might as well talk about it!

I love this paint scheme, and Micro-Trains had never done it as of January 2001 when I did these.

NSC# 00-91 (three pack)Rd#’s 91045, 91053 & 91018
NSC# 00-92 (single)Rd# 91021 

Original Price $84.95 (3 pack)
Original Price $29.95 (single car)


Latest On The Track

J. Echlin

Many thanks for your superb offerings and beautiful work!


Thanks for all the great trains – it’s nice to have such wonderful rolling stock on the layout.

Jerry E.

Received GN A10 today. Absolutely stunning! I am very pleased. Thank You all.

Bill S.

That car is about the greatest thing I’ve ever seen in N scale!  Excellent work!

B. Kutch

Love your 3-rail O Scale Atlas Woodside Reefer series. Looking forward to future issues.

R. LeBrun

Thank you for all that you do for the N Scale community. Your products by far, in my opinion, are the top of the line when it comes to N Scale Trains and I am always on the lookout for them when they come up for auction.

K. Lyons

Thank you for everything you’ve done and everything you do for the modeling community. I can honestly say that my enjoyment of the hobby has benefited greatly because of you.

S. Reames

I received my observation/business car today and – like all of my other cars from you – I love it!


I am speechless!  The AFT Showcase car is everything I hoped it would be; and more.


“You seem to be the shining light in an industry that’s seen a lot of change since the early 2000’s when I was last in the hobby”.