RailSmith – Undecorated Coach Smooth Side

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Undecorated Smooth Side large window Coach.

Comes with trucks and mounted couplers, diaphragms.   All you need is the paint! All plastic including roof is gray.




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Latest On The Track

J. Echlin

Many thanks for your superb offerings and beautiful work!


“You have no idea how excited I am about these cars . . .”


Thanks for all the great trains – it’s nice to have such wonderful rolling stock on the layout.

R. K.

You are in my book one of the very best.

Chuck T.

Just a quick note to acknowledge receipt of my AFT Tool Car. Thanks so much for another Outstanding Piece of Craftsmanship! The AFT is my most prized “N” Scale collection. I had perceived that there were delays in getting this last car into our hands, but thought it was a problem with China. Your letter…


Lowell, I received my Great Locomotive Chase set today. “THEY ARE BEAUTIFUL.” Keep up the good work.

K. Lyons

Thank you for everything you’ve done and everything you do for the modeling community. I can honestly say that my enjoyment of the hobby has benefited greatly because of you.

S. S.

I got my new Santa Fe business cars, they are superb and worth the wait ten times over.

Dan D.

I look forward to continuing to buy trains from my favorite special run train maker. That’s how I think of you now, “The Train Maker”.  And speaking of cool trains, I just received a box loaded with great looking Texas Special cars. Thanks.  I certainly look forward to all the new releases you are planning.


I just received the “The Great Locomotive Chase” set from the Walt Disney Family Museum. Very nicely done!