M.O.W. ‘Bunk’ cars

Out of stock


Shipped May 2016

Only 1 left!



These 80′ coach cars from Micro-Trains are faithfully decorated in Maintenance of Way oxide red, with random windows blocked out, or plated over as the railroads did in repurposing rolling stock. This production is EXTREMELY limited.

Sold in two-packs only.


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Latest On The Track


“You seem to be the shining light in an industry that’s seen a lot of change since the early 2000’s when I was last in the hobby”.

M. Magliaro

I received my #99 business card in the mail today. It looks superb. Thank you for another wonderful job. You are really filling a niche.


As a retiree of the Walt Disney Company I look forward to upcoming releases of the Disney Family Museum and Disneyland series.  Keep up the excellent work!


Nothing better than receiving that white box from Lowell Smith.


What a trip! We had a great time- exceeded our expectations by a mile. The Silver Lariat was simply stunning. A gem on the rails. The scenery and weather were perfect. The delays were not an issue for us at all. All just a good days work on the railroad! Thank you for all the…


You know I’m always looking forward to the next release and its arrival with great anticipation. I treasure my Lowell Smith Signature collection.

Dan D.

I look forward to continuing to buy trains from my favorite special run train maker. That’s how I think of you now, “The Train Maker”.  And speaking of cool trains, I just received a box loaded with great looking Texas Special cars. Thanks.  I certainly look forward to all the new releases you are planning.

Paul G.

I just received my Carolwood Pacific cars yesterday. They are exquisite! Every attention to detail was paid here, and I can’t thank you enough for putting this into production.  They are going to look amazing, circling my main Street miniatures display.


I really am enjoying what you are producing, Lowell! Thanks for doing it. Jerry


I am speechless!  The AFT Showcase car is everything I hoped it would be; and more.