Great Locomotive Chase Gift Set

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Great Locomotive Chase – operating models of ‘Texas’ & the ‘General’ by Atlas. Set also includes collectors pin, original art lithograph and Certificate of Authenticity.

Order direct from Walt Disney Family Museum



Created for the Walt Disney Family Museum

Based on the 1956 movie and the 1862 actual event. Set includes original art and pin. Edition size -200

This item is available from The Walt Disney Family Museum. Contact:

or call (415) 345-6859.




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Latest On The Track

Dan D.

I look forward to continuing to buy trains from my favorite special run train maker. That’s how I think of you now, “The Train Maker”.  And speaking of cool trains, I just received a box loaded with great looking Texas Special cars. Thanks.  I certainly look forward to all the new releases you are planning.

K. Lyons

Thank you for everything you’ve done and everything you do for the modeling community. I can honestly say that my enjoyment of the hobby has benefited greatly because of you.


The thing I love about all the things you do is the fact that everything is so well thought out, so beautiful and so unique.  


Ferdinand Magellan is great! This really fits your mission of offering significant cars that otherwise wouldn’t be produced.


“You seem to be the shining light in an industry that’s seen a lot of change since the early 2000’s when I was last in the hobby”.


Lowell, thanks to you and your company SP&S modelers (myself included) are having a much easier time modeling the North Bank Road. Thank you for your hard work!

George H.

Blunt End Observation is a GRAND SLAM! I’ve wanted this car for ages but never figured out a good way to kitbash it.

J. Arenas

Wow… You made my dream come true with the CK Holiday! I am a great admirer of your work.


I am looking forward to many more releases in the new year. I stayed up really late on Christmas to talk to Santa when he came by our house. I asked him for an n-scale SP&S 700, and he said that was out of his league and I’d better call you.

Chuck T.

Just a quick note to acknowledge receipt of my AFT Tool Car. Thanks so much for another Outstanding Piece of Craftsmanship! The AFT is my most prized “N” Scale collection. I had perceived that there were delays in getting this last car into our hands, but thought it was a problem with China. Your letter…