2nd Chance-NP’s ‘Mainstreeter’ baggage #1575

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Released 2016



NP Mainstreeter baggage #1575, produced by Micro-Trains, painted in the ‘Pine Tree’ scheme.


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Latest On The Track


My kids absolutely love the Christmas cars! The C.K. Holiday, along with the Carolwood and Disney cars makes a wonderful Christmas train. It made many a loop under our tree this year.

R. M.

Lowell, I just want you to know – you make this hobby fun!

Dan D.

I look forward to continuing to buy trains from my favorite special run train maker. That’s how I think of you now, “The Train Maker”.  And speaking of cool trains, I just received a box loaded with great looking Texas Special cars. Thanks.  I certainly look forward to all the new releases you are planning.

S. S.

I got my new Santa Fe business cars, they are superb and worth the wait ten times over.

George H.

Blunt End Observation is a GRAND SLAM! I’ve wanted this car for ages but never figured out a good way to kitbash it.

Ray F.

I just wanted you to know my O gauge Hood River Pears car came yesterday in perfect condition. This car is just beautiful I can’t wait for the next one to come out. Keep up the good work.

J. Arenas

Wow… You made my dream come true with the CK Holiday! I am a great admirer of your work.

Chuck T.

Just a quick note to acknowledge receipt of my AFT Tool Car. Thanks so much for another Outstanding Piece of Craftsmanship! The AFT is my most prized “N” Scale collection. I had perceived that there were delays in getting this last car into our hands, but thought it was a problem with China. Your letter…

Jim and Jo Ann K.

Every aspect of the trip was professionally done.  You and Barbara were on top of every change and your matter-of-fact assurances speak highly of your professionalism.  Jo Ann is a retired chef  and we know what good food is, and the meals provided on the CZ trip were stellar! BRAVO to you and Barbara for…


You know I’m always looking forward to the next release and its arrival with great anticipation. I treasure my Lowell Smith Signature collection.