
When the day began on May 1st 1971, railroad passenger service in the United States began a new era. With only a few exceptions, the day of private company passenger trains was gone forever. Amtrak took over selected routes and used cars still painted in the distinct colors of the original carriers. Train consists had cars from all corners of the US and with the mismatched liveries during this time, it became known as the Rainbow Era.

In 1972 Amtrak gradually began painting cars in the silver with red, white & blue window striping. All of the RailSmith cars are appropriate for the Amtrak Phase I scheme.  As is usual, we plan to roll these out based on your support and encouragement.

Currently we have no plans to show consist charts for the many trains of Amtrak. So you can be as creative as you want to be!

All Aboard America!   All Aboard for Amtrak!