Disney’s Most Colorful Train on Rails!
What if Walt Disney had a train? Well, he did! You probably know the story of Walt’s live steam train in his backyard. The Carolwood Pacific, named for the street he lived on, was famous and is well loved today. You can see the consist including the famous 4-4-0 Lilly Belle at the Walt Disney Family Museum in San Francisco, but did you know he also personally owned the trains at his Disneyland Park? He created W.E.D. (his initials) as a company for licensing and also to maintain control of his railroad at the park.
What if Walt had his own train to ride the ‘mainlines’ of America’s railroads? Liberties have been taken, with permission, to create this rendition of what Walt’s train could have been as cars named for places important to Walt, and with a color scheme showing the ‘wide world of color’ (then the name of his television show on NBC), but also reflecting the palate and talents of his studio.