2020 is an Exciting New Year

You are probably saying this too, ‘Time is sure going fast.’

So much happened last year, and there’s so much to reflect upon. On a connected note, thank you with your well wishes, and similar stories, responding to my last blog ‘Thankful’ (about Prostate Cancer). I am surrounded by friends and that is the’ best’ we can hope for.

This coming year will certainly be better than last year.  I will ship the last car for the American Freedom Train!  I am so excited to finally get this out-the-door. This car has an amazing story of its own and the result is a beautiful baggage dorm car.  Those of you that have been waiting have been more than patient, and I thank you for that.

We have several projects that you will be just delighted about, and I’ll be telling you about them soon. In fact, you are about to be amazed!

For now, I am very pleased to tell you about the new baggage car that we just announced. It seems that Walthers only ran this body style  ONE time when they owned it. It is so close to the D&RGW car, well it just had to be done!  Fluted below the belt rail, and with full skirts, this car will be a welcome addition to N Scale. It was like a treasure discovery when I realized what I had. 

Very exciting year ahead!

~ Lowell

Lowell Smith

A native of Portland, Oregon, Lowell Smith married his church choir sweetheart Barb in 1978. After a lifetime of rail-fanning, Lowell and Barb ventured out in 1992 to launch a new business in Portland, Oregon. Read more

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What They Say:

Ray F.

I just wanted you to know my O gauge Hood River Pears car came yesterday in perfect condition. This car is just beautiful I can’t wait for the next one to come out. Keep up the good work.

Linda and Pete B.

Just wanted to thank you again for the opportunity to be with you and the many other happy folks who experienced the Feather River Canyon trip.  I know you put a lot of work into making this special trip a reality and it all came together extremely well!

Paul G.

I just received my Carolwood Pacific cars yesterday. They are exquisite! Every attention to detail was paid here, and I can’t thank you enough for putting this into production.  They are going to look amazing, circling my main Street miniatures display.

J. LaBoda

To say the least this is a HUGE development for N-scale and I, along with a number of others, are indebted to you for making these cars possible. Thanks so very much!!!


These are indeed miniature masterpieces.

Jim and Jo Ann K.

Every aspect of the trip was professionally done.  You and Barbara were on top of every change and your matter-of-fact assurances speak highly of your professionalism.  Jo Ann is a retired chef  and we know what good food is, and the meals provided on the CZ trip were stellar! BRAVO to you and Barbara for…


“You have no idea how excited I am about these cars . . .”


Ferdinand Magellan is great! This really fits your mission of offering significant cars that otherwise wouldn’t be produced.

J. Arenas

Wow… You made my dream come true with the CK Holiday! I am a great admirer of your work.


Lowell, thanks to you and your company SP&S modelers (myself included) are having a much easier time modeling the North Bank Road. Thank you for your hard work!